From Concept to Creation: Pattern-Making for Children's Book Endpapers

Nov 06, 2024

Online event

From Concept to Creation: Pattern-Making for Children's Book Endpapers

SCBWI-MI Webinar

Wednesday, November 6 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm (ET)

They're the first and last thing you see when opening a children's book, but endpaper creation isn't often discussed! This must-attend session will include an insightful overview of what makes an endpaper pattern effective and visually engaging, a live demonstration on how to create these patterns using Photoshop, and answers to all your burning questions about this important element of book creation. Attendees leave with practical tools to bring their designs to life, AND have the opportunity to connect with this year's exciting illustration mentor!

Registration will be open from October 21 - November 5.

Meet Penelope Dullaghan

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