It's About Time!

Apr 05, 2025

Online event

Whether you're beginning, powering through to the end, or revising a novel or longer non-fiction book, much of writing is about time. Where's the best place to start? How do you time the key changes that structure your book? Do scenes move at a pace matching the action? When do readers need a breather? And what words and rhythms best echo the pace of your story? Suzanne Morgan Williams’s presentation will touch on all of these, based on her experiences writing and re-writing her own work and coaching other writers with theirs. Bring your questions.

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About Suzanne Morgan Williams:

Suzanne Morgan Williams is the author of thirteen published fiction and nonfiction books, a Nevada Arts Council artist in residence, a frequent workshop presenter and has mentored multiple authors in Nevada’s Mentor Program. Her novel, Bull Rider, won a Western Heritage Award, was a Junior Library Guild selection, on several state library award lists, and represented Nevada at the National Book Festival in Washington D.C. She loves sharing specific techniques she’s developed through years of writing and teaching – be they for evaluating peer and editorial feedback or assessing your own work for the most powerful words, structure, and timing.