Share Your Books at a TLA District Meeting in Granbury Oct. 11

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Get Your Books Noticed by Librarians - Granbury TLA District Meeting

Our published members have an opportunity to get their books in front of librarians at the District TLA meeting in Granbury, Oct. 11. They estimate up to 50 librarians at each event.

TLA charges SCBWI-NT for the table, so the cost will be spread among those who sign up. You can sign up for as few or as many hours as you like. Space at any particular time will be limited to four people so everyone has a chance to speak with librarians who come by. We will have another sign-up for the district meeting in Greeneville Oct. 19.

For more information about times and costs see the Google Sign-Up sheet

For more info. on the event , see this TLA  page and this pdf.

Your registration is not confirmed until the Stripe payment is made.