Artober 2023

Join the SCBWI Illustration Community in October for 31 days of illustration prompts under the hashtag #scbwiArtober2023!

Join the SCBWI Illustration Community in October for 31 days of illustration prompts under the hashtag #scbwiArtober2023

Each day includes a prompt to inspire your daily practice.  Work in your favorite art medium or play with new materials during the month. Share your work when you can or post it daily with the #scbwiArtober2023 hashtag on Instagram and Twitter.  The goal is to develop a daily practice of creating new art.


Here are the Rules:

– This is not about perfection. The goal is to develop a daily practice.  

– We encourage you to try new media.  

– Share you work on Twitter and Instagram with the official hashtag #scbwiArtober2023.

– Go to the #scbwiArtober2023 hashtag to see current art, inspiration, and to cheer on other SCBWI Illustrators.

– Play and have fun each day!

Check out the full prompt list for scbwiArtober2023

  1. Fur
  2. Mystery
  3. Autumnal
  4. Smoky
  5. Vines
  6. Glamping
  7. Echo
  8. Spice
  9. Moon
  10. Sunflowers
  11. Beast
  12. Soccer
  13. Burnt
  14. Fossil
  15. Twilight
  16. Sniff
  17. BonBon
  18. Cauldron
  19. Fiesta
  20. Reap
  21. Woods
  22. Shadow
  23. Bizarre 
  24. Bird
  25. Stormy
  26. Crackle
  27. Rake
  28. Flight
  29. Window
  30. Traditions
  31. Cemetery