This scholarship provides tuition to the SCBWI Virtual Summer Conference for any SCBWI member experiencing financial hardship. SCBWI members only.
Submission portal can be found in your Member Profile under the AWARDS tab.
Submissions open Wednesday, May 22 through Tuesday, June 18.
All applicants must be current SCBWI members. Please post the following information in the submission form:
1) An artist statement (250 words max) about why you want to attend the conference.
2) One page writing sample OR two illustrations
Writing samples may be submitted as a PDF. Label PDF with the following naming convention: "First Name__Last Name__BIPOC Scholarship"
Images may be submitted as JPG or PNG
1. Click on your MEMBER HOME
2. Click on the AWARDS Icon
3. Scroll down to the General Conference Scholarship box and click 'submit'
Questions? Please email Sarah Diamond at