• EARLY BIRD PRICING REGISTRATION OPENS: Monday 8amPST July 1st for SCBWI Premium Members(*) only. >> * Your SCBWI membership must be current and active at time of registration; if you are not sure of your status, contact SCBWI Headquarters for assistance.
• LAST DAY FOR EARLY BIRD PRICING REGISTRATION: Tuesday July 9th 11:59pmPST for SCBWI Premium Members(*) only.
• REGULAR PRICING REGISTRATION OPENS: Wednesday July 10th 8amPST for everyone.
• REGISTRATION CLOSES when all available seats are filled.
(*) Premium membership is the new terminology for your regular paid SCBWI membership status. Membership must be active to register under this status.
SCHOLARSHIP ENTRY DEADLINE = Friday June 28th 11:59pmPST to apply via email for the $1 Scholarship conference entrance including food.
WRITTEN CRITIQUES SUBMISSION DEADLINE = Saturday August 10th to postmark/mail-in your manuscript for a Written Critique. * Late postmarks, emailed submissions and walk-in submissions will not be accepted.
WRITING CONTEST ENTRY DEADLINE = Saturday August 10th 11:59pmPST to email (submit) your Writing Contest entry/s.
ILLUSTRATORS PORTFOLIO TABLE INFORMATION DUE: Sunday September 1st 11:59pmPST = Deadline to email Illustrators Portfolio Table information.
PAL (Published Author) DISPLAY TABLE INFORMATION DUE: Sunday September 1st 11:59pmPST = Deadline to email PAL Display Table information.
PAL (Published Author) SLIDESHOW INFORMATION DUE: Sunday September 1st 11:59pmPST = Deadline to email PAL Slideshow information.
ILLUSTRATORS CONTEST ENTRY DEADLINE = Sunday September 1st 11:59pmPST to email (submit) your Illustrator’s Contest entry link.
LIVE PITCH ART LINK SUBMISSION DEADLINE = Sunday September 1st 11:59pmPST to email (submit) your Art Links for Illustrators or Author-Illustrators who have a pitch to show his/her Illustrator Portfolio or a Picture Book Dummy or Graphic Novel Dummy to an Industry Expert.