Each week, meet with your conference critique group to introduce your WIP, share feedback, create a plan for resubmission, and reimagine your story with fellow professionals who share your goals. Critique groups are arranged by format and genre with no more than 5 attendees in each. You and your critique groups wiil meet with your industry insider at the Retreat Roundtables. (See RETREAT ROUNDTABLES) Conference critique groups serve to create lasting connections long after our retreat ends.
Questions?: Email Deborah Topolski, Co-RA
Attendees 1-2 read 10 pages and describe the feedback they need to fellow attendees; 15-minutes for reading and 15 minutes for response to each mss or dummy. ATTEND LIVE | NOT RECORDED
Attendees 3-4 read 10 pages and describe the feedback they need to fellow attendees; 15-minutes for reading and 15 minutes for response to each mss or dummy. ATTEND LIVE | NOT RECORDED
Attendee 5 reads 10 pages and describes the feedback they need to fellow attendees; 15-minutes for reading and 15 minutes for response to mss or dummy. ATTEND LIVE | NOT RECORDED
Attendees 1-2 discusses progress from WEEK 2 feedback and sets goal through WEEK 9; 30-minutes allowed for each attendee. ATTEND LIVE | NOT RECORDED
Attendees 3-4 discuss progress from WEEK 3 feedback and sets goal through WEEK 9; 30-minutes allowed for each attendee. ATTEND LIVE | NOT RECORDED
Attendee 5 discuss progress from WEEK 4 feedback and sets goal through WEEK 9; 30-minutes allowed for each attendee; NOT RECORDED]
Attendees 1-2 discuss industry insider feedback and revision plan for optional resubmittal; 15-minutes for reading and 15 minutes for response to each mss or dummy; NOT RECORDED]
Attendees 3-4 discuss industry insider feedback and revision plan for optional resubmittal; 15-minutes for reading and 15 minutes for response to each mss or dummy; NOT RECORDED]
Attendees 5 discusses industry insider feedback and revision plan for optional resubmittal; 15-minutes for reading and 15 minutes for response to each mss or dummy; NOT RECORDED]
Attendees each have 10 minutes to discuss the success of their resubmittal and what feedback they hope to focus on with the industry professional at the retreat round table; NOT RECORDED] NOTE: Monday night