Arkansas Connect February 2024

Feb 27, 2024

Fayetteville Public Library

Plot a Novel or Picture Book in Less Than an Hour

Arkansas Connect - February 2024

Date: Feb 27, 2024, 6 pm

Location: Fayetteville Public Library

Presenter: Jennifer Sneed, Author

Topic: Plot a Novel or Picture Book in Less Than an Hour

YES, AND…Plot a Novel or Picture Book in Less Than an Hour. In this fun, improvisational, and collaborative workshop, Jennifer Sneed will guide you through Dan Wells’ 7-Point Story Structure to quickly plot a novel or picture book. You’re welcome to bring a story idea you’ve been working on, but you don’t have to have an idea before we begin. If you get stuck somewhere along the way, you can call on others to help brainstorm ideas. Let’s play and discover the inspired, unexpected stories you create.

Bio: JENNIFER SNEED has published articles and short stories for young readers in Cricket and Ask magazines. Her short stories have won a few awards, including a 1st in the 2019 Writer’s Digest Annual Contest for her YA short, “Supernova.” She is the author of several pre-published MG novels and a YA that hides from embarrassment in a computer file. She believes making things up and writing them down is the greatest thing since sliced bread – and you’ll never convince her otherwise.