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Art Day: Critique Opportunities

Attendees can sign up for written feedback on their picture book and/or graphic novel manuscripts, dummies and/or illustrator portfolios.

Picture Book and Graphic Novel Manuscript Written Critiques - Due: Feb. 13, 10:00 PM

When you register, you may also sign up for a written critique of up to 10 pages of your picture book or graphic novel text provided by agents Kait Lee Feldmann and/or Natascha Morris.


Your manuscript must be up to 10 pages saved as a Word document, double-spaced, Times New Roman, with one-inch margins.

On the first page, indicate the title of your book and the genre.

You must have a header with your name and page numbers.

You may include a synopsis, single-spaced, one-page, one-inch margins and saved as page 11 of your submission. (Not necessary with Picture Books)

For guidance on writing the synopsis, check out these resources:

How to Write a Novel Synopsis (Mary Kole)

Synopsis Writing Made Easy (Writers Helping Writers)

How to Write a Novel Synopsis (Jane Friedman)

Save your document as: Agent/Editor’sLastName_YourLastName_FirstName_Title_Genre (PB, GN)

Ex: Morris_Moon_Su_Vampires_GN


After registering for a critique, you can upload your Word document submission using THIS FORM by Feb. 13, 2025. If you have any questions, contact Su Moon:

Picture Book and Graphic Novel Dummy - Written Critiques - Due: Feb. 13, 10:00 PM

When you register, you can also sign up for a written critique of your Picture Book or Graphic Novel Dummy by agents Kait Lee Feldman and/or Natscha Morris. 


Your submission must be a laid-out dummy with finished b&w sketches and at least one colored example that represents the final artwork. Cover is optional.  

The full color completed illustration(s) must be placed where they belong in the story.

Your file must be saved as a PDF (max 25MB).

You may submit up to 10 pages of a graphic novel dummy, or a full picture book dummy.

Save your file as: Agent/Editor’sLastName_YourLastName_FirstName_Title_Genre (PB Dummy, GN Dummy)

Ex: Feldmann_Moon_Su_Vampires_GN Dummy

For tips on how to craft a PB Dummy, read this


After registering for a PB or GN Dummy Critique, upload your submission into THIS FORM by Feb. 13, 2025, 10:00 PM. If you have any questions, contact Su Moon:

Portfolio Reviews - Written Critiques - Due: Feb. 13, 10:00 PM

Attendees can also register for a written portfolio review on your artwork by agent Kait Lee Feldmann. Sign up today! 


You may submit up to 10 art pieces for written critique. You can choose to save them as multiple pages in a PDF file (max 25MB) OR share your website address. She will write comments on the first ten pieces plus provide an overall impression. 

Name your file: “Feldmann_LastName-FirstName_PortfolioCritique” 


After registering for your spot, submit using THIS FORM by Feb. 13, 2024. If you have any questions, contact Su Moon: