First Pages Submission

What is First Pages?

First Pages is one of our most popular conference events! During this session, the moderator reads the first page submissions for our visiting agents and editors. The agents and editors are asked to respond to the questions, Would you keep reading? Why or why not? 

These brief responses can include notes on voice, subject matter, or age appropriateness. Manuscripts are chosen at random and presented anonymously. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to get inside the head of industry professionals! The professionals are supportive, but we do ask them to be honest, and if something about the piece does not work for the market, we hope they point it out and offer constructive criticism. We will read as many submissions as time allows. Even if your submission isn’t read, we can all benefit from the insights offered on each piece.

First Pages and First Look will be conducted in three rooms:

  • Picture Book (includes Early Readers)
  • Middle Grade (includes Chapter Books) and Young Adult
  • First Look: Illustration (includes Graphic Novel art)


NEW alex card.png

Alex Aceves - PB Room

A. Henkin.png

Alyssa E. Henkin - PB Room

Delaney's card.png

Kelly Delaney - MG/YA Room

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Sophia Ramos - MG/YA Room


  • Do not display your name
  • Include the appropriate genre in the upper right corner [PB, Early Reader, CB, MG, YA]
  • Times New Roman font
  • 1″ margins
  • Your page should end in a complete sentence–adjust accordingly
  • Limit to the first 200 words (Please note: Illustration notes ARE included in word count)


Place your printed first page in the collection basket at the Registration Desk by 8am on Saturday of the conference.

The deadline for submitting illustrations for First Look is September 1st. Please visit the First Look page for more information.

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Hosted by SCBWI Carolinas