Half Day Intensive for Comic/Graphic Novel Illustrators

Publishing Landscape and Production

Friday, Sept 20th 9 am - 12 pm




Kirk Benshoff


In this intensive we will delve into the different pockets of the comics industry and learn how each of those pockets work. We will explore the many ways to get work, build an income, and achieve publication of your comics. Attendees will learn a comic's specific workflow, best practices to implement in order to best protect yourself, how to develop ideas, and how to set up files to achieve different printing effects.

Attendees are encouraged to bring a digital device to class.

This intensive is Part 1 of Kirk's three part Trifecta for illustrators interested in the comics industry.

Part 2: Lettering, A Breakout Session

Part 3: Coloring, A Breakout Session

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Hosted by SCBWI Carolinas