Half Day Intensive for MG/YA Novelists

OPERATION OVERHAUL: How to Revise Your Middle Grade or Young Adult Book and Position it for Today's Market

Friday, Sept 20th 9 am - 12 pm



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Alyssa Eisner Henkin


The intensive will commence with an overview of today’s saturated kidlit market and how to fine-tune ideas to create killer query letters that garner notice. Next, we will delve into the particulars of writing a strong opening scene. We’ll finish with some case studies on how some of today’s popular titles manage to be pacey AND enduring.

Optional Prerequisite

If you'd like to have Alyssa review your query letter and first page for this session, please submit according to the instructions below. This is not a critique. Alyssa will tailor her instruction based on trends she notices in submitted materials.

  • Deadline to submit materials: Sept 1st, 2024 11:59 pm ET
  • Attach as a single Word document (.docx) to your email
  • Subject line: Alyssa Henkin Intensive
  • Include the name and email address you used to register for this event
  • Submit to scbwiccritiques@gmail.com
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Hosted by SCBWI Carolinas