Carolinas 2024 Fall Conference
Make the most of this conference
Check out all the different events and programs designed specifically for your genre.
I am an illustrator!
Portfolio Prep Program
Comics/GN Illustrators Intensive with Kirk Benshoff
Portfolio Reviews or PB Dummy Reviews
Illustrating Nonfiction Picture Books - My Secret Strategies with Erin McGuire
Lettering with Kirk Benshoff
Character Design Workshop with Tracy Shaw
Coloring with Kirk Benshoff
First Look
Portfolio Fest
From Idea to Print with Tracy Shaw
I write for younger readers (picture book, early readers, chapter books, etc)!
Advanced PB Critique with Sean McCarthy
From Manuscript to Published Book, an Intensive for PB Writers with Kelly Delaney
Manuscript critiques, Pitch Package critiques, GN pitches
Using Comps to Creatively and Successfully Position Your Book with Nico Ore-Giron
Beyond Words: Visual Rhetoric and the Graphic Novel Script with Alex Aceves
Breaking down the High-Concept Picture Book with Nico Ore-Giron
First Pages
Pitchers Anonymous
What's the Deal with Short Fiction & Why is it Definitely Worth My Time? with Nora Shalaway Carpenter
Creating Non Fiction Picture Books from the Inside Out with Dinah Johnson
I write for older readers (middle grade, young adult, etc)!
Structure as Genesis with Kelly Dyksterhouse
Operation Overhaul: How to Revise Your MG or YA Book & Position it for Today’s Market with Alyssa E. Henkin
Manuscript critiques, Pitch Package critiques, GN pitches
Using Comps to Creatively and Successfully Position Your Book with Nico Ore-Giron
How to Support Your Supporting Characters with Kelly Delaney
Beyond Words: Visual Rhetoric and the Graphic Novel Script with Alex Aceves
Making a Scene: How to Tackle Drafting and Revising at the Scene Level with Alex Aceves
First Pages
Pitchers Anonymous
What's the Deal with Short Fiction & Why is it Definitely Worth My Time? with Nora Shalaway Carpenter
Content for everyone
How to Create Your Website on Squarespace with Kris Black
Write More, Worry Less: An Intro to Publishing Kidlit with Dorothy Price
Ignite the Spark Lab Hours + Open Mic Night
Everything in Its Right Place: An Overview of Agenting and Publishing with Sean McCarthy
Creating from the Inside Out--and Sometimes Roundabout, a Keynote with Dinah Johnson
It Takes a Village: Discussing Community and Craft through the Publishing Lens with Sophia Ramos
Portfolio Fest + Bingo + Reception
Carolinas Book Talks
Critique Group Meet-Up or Lab Hours
What We Can Learn from the Classics with Alyssa E. Henkin
Faculty Panel
For published attendees
Submit to the Bookstore
Book Fair + Author Signing
Carolinas Book Talks - panelists
Hosted by SCBWI Carolinas
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