L.A.S.T. Shop Talk

May 26, 2024

Online event

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Follow Your Heart

How important it is to stay true to our calling, to be passionate about sharing our voice, to listen to the world as our audience. Remembering that in following our heart and sharing our individual creativity. we bless another.

On Sunday, May 26, from 1 – 3 pm. the LAST group will be sharing in a Zoom discussion on “Follow Your Heart.” The topic proceeded naturally out of last month’s discussion, and David Stricklen shared these words: “You’ve just gotta roll with your heart.”

Our discussion may include:

·         heartfelt DECISION-MAKING

·         finding your “VOICE” and sticking with it

·         creating with AUTHENTICITY

·         ensuring your characters, through their growth, remain true to THEIR VOICE

·         holding fast and STAYING PASSIONATE about your craft, even amid struggles and time constraints

I realize that many may be unable to make it since it is Memorial Day weekend. We will miss you and be sure to post the highlights. As we share in life with family and friends, may we remember the dedication of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Those who followed their hearts and convictions so that we would have the freedom to share our unique and precious gifts—our Voice—with those around us.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Kathleen and Heather Clark