L.A.S.T. Shop Talk

Jun 30, 2024

Online event

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L.A.S.T. Shop Talk

We’d love to have you join us on the LAST Sunday of the month, June 30th, from 1-3 on Zoom, as we discuss SUBMISSIONS.

“Everyone who’s ever taken a shower has had an idea. It’s the person who gets out of the shower, dries off, and does something about it who makes a difference.” —Nolan Bushnell

Submitting—a kind of scary word for most of us. The feeling of putting ourselves—our hopes and our dreams—into the hands of another. That moment when you push the button, and you are no longer in the driver’s seat. A part of you, something you have created, is now out there. You wait . . . and wait . . . and wait to see if another will catch your vision.

The question is, are you ready?

·         Have you tightened up your query?

·         What is your core conflict?

·         Can you concisely share how your character has developed?

·         Have you explained your work’s position in the market?

·         Does it have a “Voice or Tone” that resonates with the reader?

·         Can you capture the interest of the agent or editor as they contemplate the journey your reader will be experiencing?

·         Have you done your research on where to submit? Best fit? Guidelines?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,

Kathleen E. Clark and Heather Clark

Lansing Area Shop Talk (LAST) Co-Coordinators