LAST Shop Talk

Jan 28, 2024

Online event

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LAST Shop Talk

“It’s About Time . . . “ - Some folks say that TIME is money. Well—maybe not exactly—but like money, we each have only a limited amount to invest. ---Join us on Zoom for an informal discussion—sharing tips and tricks to help us SPEND WISELY! --- This 2-hour investment might include TIMELY tips on: -- • TIME management. • knowing when it's TIME to send out your manuscripts or query letters. • the TIME it takes for the illustrating and editing process. • how much TIME to allow for publishing procedures. • Is it TIME to get a website or post to social media? • how much TIME to allot for a school visit. • or maybe even how much TIME it takes to sign your best sellers for all those readers. ---We hope you can join us as we invest of ourselves in creating TIMELESS treasures for young readers. --- Here's the link: --- See you there on Sunday, January 28, 2024, from 1-3 pm at our SCBWI Michigan Shop Talk, ***where LAST includes not only the Lansing Area, but all those who enjoy Learning As we Share Together.*** -Kathleen E. Clark and Heather Clark -Lansing Area Shop Talk (LAST) Co-Coordinators