May 2024 Monthly Meeting with guest speaker Katie Keridan *Virtual*

May 06, 2024

Online event

In this presentation, we will seek to identify the components of strong fictional characters and learn how to create memorable characters who stay with readers long after the last page. Participants will be invited to share what a "strong" character means to them. We will spend time exploring strong characters across different genres and identifying what makes them so unforgettable or impressive. Presenter will share worksheet with helpful tips on creating strong characters, and there will be time for a brief writing exercise, as well as other questions. Monthly Chapter Meetings: All regular monthly meetings are open to all at no cost or obligation. Where: May's meeting is virtual, we will be meeting on Zoom Zoom Details: Meeting ID: 926 2750 8301 One tap mobile +13462487799,,92627508301# US (Houston) +17193594580,,92627508301# US