Hero Pocono Believe 2025--All Aboard! (4).png

Pocono Believe 2025: Believe Train (First Looks & First Pages)

First Looks (for Illustrators)

What is it?

Submit up to 3 illustration samples anonymously for an opportunity to receive live feedback in this large group session. We regret that there may not be time to review all submissions, but will try to accommodate a variety of illustration types and as many samples as possible.

How to participate:

Free with registration–


  • Send your illustrations to Berrie, epa-ic@scbwi.org, by 11:59 PM ET Friday, 4/11/25.
  • Please put "Pocono 2025_First Looks” in the subject line of your email.

What to send:

  • Three illustrations .jpg or .png file (5 MB max) portfolio-ready illustrations

What to name your files:

⇒Please SAVE YOUR FILES as follows: Pocono 2025_First Looks_YOUR INITIALS_image number. NO NAMES or other identifying information please.

For example, for Berrie Torgan-Randall's first file, she would label it: Pocono 2025_First Looks_BTR_1

First Pages (for Authors & Translators)

What is it?

This is a FREE opportunity to receive live feedback in a large group session on the first 250 words of your manuscript (submitted anonymously). Feedback will be focused on the marketing question, "Who would this opening page hook/appeal to?" We regret that there may not be time to review all submissions, but will try to accommodate a variety of categories and genres, and as many samples as possible.

How to participate:

Free with registration--


  • Send your First Page to Kristen, epa-ara@scbwi.org, by 11:59 PM ET Friday, 4/11/25.
  • Please put “Pocono 2025_First Pages” in the subject line of your email.

What to send:

For ALL GENRES, please send ONE DOCUMENT with the following:

  • First Page of your work (250-word max OR, if submitting a PB dummy or illustrated GN sample, 2 1/2 spreads max )

How to format your submission:

⇒For all submissions, format your work in 12-point font, with one-inch margins, and double spacing (US Letter paper size).

⇒Please include title, category and genre on every page of your work as a header or a footer. NO NAMES or other identifying information please.

⇒Please SAVE YOUR FILE as a Word doc or PDF as follows: Pocono 2025_CATEGORY First Page_GENRE.

For example, if sending a MG Sci Fi, you would save the document as follows: Pocono 2025_MG First Page_SCIFI