Sara’s “Query Workshop" is a little different from ones you may have attended before. Rather than one-on-one pitch sessions, everyone is invited to attend this roundtable experience in which authors receive direct feedback on their pitch and query letter from a literary agent.
In this workshop, Sara will first ask attendees to read the pitch for their book - that’s the 2-3 sentence “elevator pitch” that answers the question, “what is your book about?” Not everyone needs to read aloud and, in fact, it’s likely that not everyone will be able to do so.
Sara will workshop that pitch with the writer and everyone attending will have a chance to really hear what works and what doesn’t work when presenting your book to a publishing professional. Thinking holistically, this skill is important for querying literary agents, updating your website, introducing your book to readers/ teachers/ librarians and reviewers, populating metadata (if you self publish), etc.
After workshopping the pitch, the writer will have a chance to read their query letter aloud. The query letter should engage a reader in the same way the back cover of a novel engages a reader. AND, it should accurately reflect the pitch. Talking through these aspects together allows everyone to hear common mistakes and copy best practices. There will also be time for Q&A
Attendees do NOT need to send material in advance of the workshop. Simply bring your pitch and your query letter to the workshop and be prepared to read aloud if you are interested and comfortable doing so. Any pitch/ query is welcome - the manuscript can be complete or not-yet-complete and it can be in ay genre and sub-genre.
At the end of the presentation, Sara will provide her submissions guidelines and any interested attendee is welcome to submit a query.
NOTE: Due to the nature of the workshop, spots are limited and no recording will be available.
Sara Megibow (she/her) is the President and Senior Literary Agent at Megibow Literary Agency out of Broomfield, CO. She has worked in publishing since 2006 and represents New York Times bestselling authors including Rebecca Roanhorse, Margaret Rogerson, Roni Loren, Jaleigh Johnson and Jason M. Hough. Sara specializes in launching debut authors and working on long-term career development and profit strategy with them. She is a graduate of Northwestern University with degrees in Women’s Studies, Gender Studies and American History. Always LGBTQIA+ Friendly!