
SCBWI Germany/Austria - Winter Retreat

Dec 01, 2023 - Dec 03, 2023

Hannover, Germany

If you are easily distracted by your day-to-day chores, husbands, wives, kids or pets - not necessarily in that particular order - and need to clock out for a bit of undisturbed creative time, this retreat is for you! The Spring Retreat was all the way down south, so we’ll head north for the Winter Retreat. Our location is going to be Hannover and the GHotel Hannover in particular. There, we’ll have our own conference room with plenty of space to work – no matter if you only need your computer, or if you come equipped with paint, pastels, and brushes. Retreat flat fee (hotel not included): €125

The region's Winter Retreat - a weekend dedicated to undisturbed creative time with fellow SCBWI Members. 

This year's location will be the GHotel in Hannover.

On Friday, December 1st, we’ll meet in the afternoon near Hannover main station. To give everyone ample time to arrive (and factoring in some Deutsche Bahn delays, too) we’ll stay in the area for at least 2 hours before heading to the hotel together. On Saturday, December 2nd, we'll have a conference room all day - two work sessions: one in the morning, one in the afternoon. Everybody gets their own desk and loads of undisturbed creative time. You choose what to work on. On Sunday, there's a third session in the morning before we wrap up around noon on December 3rd, 2023 and head home.

Please note: This event will only take place if 8 or more attendees have signed up by October 31st. If we get 8 sign-ups by then, registration will stay open until Nov 25th.

Registration and payment for the event is divided into two parts: 1) the retreat flat fee via this site with SCBWI Germany/Austria, and 2) your room with the hotel (if you need a room).

1) The retreat flat fee:

Price: €125 - to be paid to SCBWI GER/AT

This includes conference room on Saturday 8am to 6pm, and Sunday 8am to noon.

On Saturday: Use of conference room, WLAN, unlimited water and Apfelschorle; Coffee break around 10am with unlimited coffee, tea, savory snacks, yogurt; lunch (buffet or three-course meal of the day and 1 non-alcoholic drink), afternoon coffee break with unlimited coffee, tea, sweet snacks and fruits, dinner (buffet or three-course meal of the day and 1 non-alcoholic drink)

On Sunday: Use of conference room, WLAN, unlimited water and Apfelschorle; Coffee break around 10am with unlimited coffee, tea, savory snacks, yogurt; lunch (buffet or three-course meal of the day and 1 non-alcoholic drink)

IMPORTANT: Registration is a TWO-PART process. 1) pre-register via this website - and receive a confirmation email with payment instructions, 2) make your payment to secure your spot and receive your final confirmation.

2) The rooms:

If you need a hotel room, you will have to book your own room. (find roommates via the discord channel if you want to share) Ghotel has a number of rooms on hold for us – call and give the pass-phrase Winter Retreat to pick up one of these rooms. You can also book somewhere else or even via booking sites. PLEASE REMEMBER - keep cancellation in mind! If we can’t get at least 8 people to sign up for the event by October 31st, the event will NOT take place, and you might need to cancel your room. (I will not be able to cancel your room for you, but will send out emails immediately if this comes to pass)

Rooms via passcode "Winter Retreat" passcode

Fares: Single Room: €95 per night; Double: €131 per night

The room fare includes breakfast. If you live nearby or stay somewhere else, you don't have to book a room at the hotel. Attendance of the retreat is not tied to a room at Ghotel! You do need to book the retreat flat fee with SCBWI though!


You will find the Discord Channel #winterretreat near the top of our server's channel list. Meet fellow attendees and chat, plan, discuss the upcoming event.