Paid Written Critiques and Free 1:1 Coaching Sessions - SCBWI SoCal Tahquitz MG/YA Writers Retreat

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Registration includes the opportunity to register for a PAID written critique PRIOR to the conference as well as a FREE one-on-one coaching session with one of our faculty members at the retreat. 

Written Critiques - Due: April 4, 2024, 10:00 PM

Registrants have the option to also pay for written critiques of the first 10 pages of your middle grade or young adult novel. Submissions are due April 10, and written critiques will be returned to you by May 17. This allows you to revise your work before the conference if you choose to do so.


  • Your MG or YA manuscript must be up to 10 pages saved as a Word document, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font with one-inch margins.
  • On the first page, indicate the name of your book as well as the genre.
  • You must have a header with your last name and page numbers. For example: Buchta 2
  • You may include a synopsis, single-spaced, one-page, one-inch margins and saved as page 11 of your submission.
  • Save your document as: Agent/Editor’sLastName_YourLastName_FirstName_BookTitle_Genre (MG or YA) For example:  Chambers-Black_Buchta_Heather_ChasingAfterKnight_YA


After registering for a critique, you can upload your Word document submission using THIS FORM by April 4, 2024, 10:00 PM. If you have any questions, contact Heather Buchta:

Fifteen-minute One-on-One Coaching Sessions (included with registration)

Registrants can choose one faculty member to spend 15 minutes 1:1 time with. You can use this time however you want. Maybe you want to pitch your novel. Maybe you have questions about your story, character arc, or plot. Maybe you want to learn more about the children’s book industry, your writing career or marketing ideas for your book. It’s up to you. You get to choose which faculty member you spend your 15 minutes with. First come, first served. 

For tips on creating a pitch for your book, read this.