Writing Funny Picture Books with Adria Goetz, Senior Agent at KT Literary

Mar 08, 2024

Online event

Humor is a great way to get kids excited about reading, especially those who find books a bit intimidating. In this workshop, we'll dig into the art of writing funny stories for kids, exploring techniques used in popular funny picture books. By the end, you'll be all set to write stories that will really make kids laugh out loud!

What: "Writing Funny Picture Books" Webinar with Adria Goetz

When: March 8, 7:00pm to 8:30pm (Amsterdam time)

How: via Zoom

Humor is a fantastic entry point into reading for kids who are intimidated by books, so it’s important for picture book writers to take silly books seriously. Writing humor is tricky though. This workshop closely examines techniques commonly used to achieve humor in successful humor-driven picture books that you can use in your own writing. You’ll walk away from this workshop ready to write stories that will make kids belly laugh!

The schedule is set as follows:

7:00pm to 8:00pm: "Writing Funny Picture Books" Webinar with Adria Goetz

8:00pm to 8:30pm: Q&A, closing

(Amsterdam time)

*Agent Adria Goetz will be open to submissions to those who attend.


If you wish to pay in euros via bank transfer please register on this GOOGLE FORM.

Members: 15 euros

Registered users (nonmembers): 20 euros

If you wish to pay dollars please register via this page (click on "REGISTER" on the button above).

Members: $20

Registered users (nonmembers): $25

The webinar will be recorded and available to those who can't attend live.

For any questions please email Fanely Gouguet at benelux-ra@scbwi.org or Mayra Calvani at benelux-ara@scbwi.org.

Adria Goetz is a Senior Literary Agent and Illustration Coordinator at KT Literary. Adria got her start in publishing as an intern at Martin Literary Management in 2013. She represents picture books, middle grade, graphic novels, and adult fiction. She graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor’s degree in English with a Creative Writing emphasis, as well as the Columbia Publishing Course. In 2019, she was selected as a Publishers Weekly Star Watch Honoree. Adria has eclectic taste but particularly enjoys projects that are tinged with magic, have so much heart you can practically hear their heartbeat, and have a compelling, commercial hook. In her spare time she can be found rewatching Gilmore Girls for the millionth time, listening to Taylor Swift, and dreaming about the mossy stone cottage in the woods she would like to live in one day. You can read Adria’s full manuscript wishlist at adriagoetz.com.