Frequently asked questions Israel

Find some of the most commonly asked questions here.

Event FAQs

What language is this event in?

This event will be held in English. Questions are welcome in the Zoom chat in either English or Hebrew; we'll translate them for you when we ask the speaker.

What currency am I paying in?

Don't panic if the prices look high! All our events are priced in Israeli shekels (nis), our local currency. However, using PayPal, you will pay in your own local currency; PayPal handles all the conversions for you.

Is this event free?

Please check the event details to find out. Due to catastrophic changes to the global SCBWI website, we are no longer able to collect payment through the site. So we'll follow up with you privately to arrange payment for the event.

Who can I contact for more details?

For more details about this program, please contact us at: לפרטים נוספים נא ליצור קשר עם