Book Birthdays - Jan-May 2024

Created May 28, 2024 by Elizabeth Sparg

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South Africa

Congrats to our SCBWI members, Scharon Campbell, Allan Low, and Elizabeth Sparg on their new book releases!

Hunting Happiness


Hunting Happiness by Scharon Campbell

Ethel is a princess on a quest to find happiness, to bottle it and bring it back to the castle. She ultimately discovers that happiness cannot be contained but that it resides within her own being.

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Hunting Happiness by Scharon Campbell

Ethel is a princess on a quest to find happiness, to bottle it and bring it back to the castle. She ultimately discovers that happiness cannot be contained but that it resides within her own being.

For more information

Contact Scharon at: 072 440 6311 

Visit her Instragram account:

Scharon Campbell

The Bundu Bunch get to Right Two Wrongs

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The Bundu Bunch get to Right Two Wrongs by Allan Low & Elizabeth Sparg

Two wrongs are done to the Bundu Bunch. One plan could put right both wrongs. Is it the right thing to do? Will it work as intended? This is the second book in The Bundu Bunch Series.

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The Bundu Bunch get to Right Two Wrongs by Allan Low & Elizabeth Sparg

Two wrongs are done to the Bundu Bunch. One plan could put right both wrongs. Is it the right thing to do? Will it work as intended? This is the second book in The Bundu Bunch Series.

For more information

Contact Allan Low if you would like to place an order for the SA print run:

Available here on Amazon:

Allan Low (Author)

Elizabeth Sparg (Illustrator)

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