
Australia West

SCBWI Rottnest Wadjemup Retreat 2025

Rottnest Island, June 19-22, 2025

SCBWI Members, Rotto 2025 is here!

We are now calling for registrations for SCBWI West's popular annual Rottnest Wadjemup Retreat, 2025.

This year’s retreat will take place from Thursday 19 June to Sunday 22 June. The program is packed with portfolio reviews, manuscript critiques, hands-on professional development workshops with industry experts, fun social activities, and plenty of time for relaxing with a notebook and a glass of wine, of course.

Our interstate guests this year are Children’s Publisher Tash Besliev (Simon & Schuster) and Author/Illustrator Lucinda Gifford. And from our own backyard, we will also be joined by Fremantle Press.

Please Note

The Rottnest Retreat is a SCBWI West professional development event and is open to members only.

In general, we are not able to accept share arrangements involving non-members, even where they are family members or partners of a registered member. Where a member books a single room it is understood that the room will be single occupancy only. Exceptions may be possible where special circumstances apply; to discuss, please contact Regional Advisor Catherine Carvell or Jodie Davidson before registering.

In the first instance, registration will be accepted from SCBWI West members only. Members of other regions may register interest via email. We will contact you if spaces become available.

How to Book

Follow the links in this section to find the booking forms for all the Rottnest and Mainland events.

Rottnest Retreat Bookings

Rottnest Critiques - One on One with Tash, Freo Press or Lucinda (COMING SOON)

Anti-Harassment Policy

SCBWI is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience in its events and activities. Please review the official SCBWI Non-Discrimination / Anti-Harassment Policy before booking.

Acknowledgement of Country

SCBWI Australia West recognises the cultural significance and sad history that Wadjemup (Rottnest Island) holds for Aboriginal people and acknowledges the Whadjuk Noongar people as Wadjemup's traditional custodians.


For more information about this event, please email Regional Advisor Jodie Davidson or Catherine Carvell.