Book Fairies + First Look

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Book Fairies Program

Books ordered by local public library systems, digital libraries, bookstores, school libraries, or specialty stores can provide a boost in sales and exposure beyond that gained from individual purchases. Our Book Fairies program helps Carolinas members get the word out about PAL authors’ and illustrators’ newly-released books by sharing information about these titles so members can request that local libraries, bookstores, etc. purchase them.

Book Fairies First Look Interviews

This a PAL program where we interview an author or illustrator, selected by random drawing, about the book they’re releasing that month and then share the interview on our website and across our social media. Each month’s featured author/illustrator is determined by drawing one name from those interested. We are so excited to present these interviews with our talented SCBWI Carolinas authors and illustrators!


  • Your book must be a children’s title, board book through young adult
  • Released by a publisher that meets SCBWI PAL qualifications (if you aren’t sure, select SHARE YOUR WORK in your SCBWI Member Home, and check the Publisher drop down list)

If you’d like to participate in Book Fairies or be entered in the drawing for a Book Fairies First Look Interview, please be on the lookout for an email the month before your book comes out and follow the directions listed there. You will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Tell us if you’d like to participate in that month’s Book Fairies Program, if you’d like to be entered in the drawing for that month’s Book Fairies First Look Interview, or BOTH
  • Title
  • Author and/or Illustrator
  • ISBN
  • Publisher
  • Release Date

If your book does not meet SCBWI PAL qualifications, we still want to celebrate with you! Please send Elizabeth Rawls an email with your book's information, and we will post a special "Hurrah" across our social media accounts.

If you have any questions, please let us know!

Derick Wilder, PAL Coordinator & Book Fairies Program Director

Leigh Anne Carter, Volunteer-at-Large

Micki Bare, Book Fairies First Look Coordinator

August 2024 - Halli Gomez

July 2024 - Ashley Belote

June 2024 - Constance Lombardo

April 2024 - Maya Myers

March 2024 - Andrea Dorn

December 2023 - Joan Holub