Welcome to SCBWI France

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Welcome to SCBWI France!

SCBWI France was launched in June 1996 and is now a dynamic group from a variety of countries and backgrounds. Our membership is made up of authors and illustrators at all stages of their publishing journey.

Check out upcoming events

Our events are designed to help you develop your craft, connect with other professionals in the industry, and gain insight into the publishing world. Join us for informative sessions that will give you the tools and knowledge you need to succeed as a writer or illustrator of children's books.

Upcoming Events


Show Me the Money! Breaking down the publishing contract, and five questions you should ask about yours.

Join us for a webinar demystifying the publishing contract

Past events

How to Plot a Middle-Grade Mystery

Join author Fleur Bradley for a webinar on what makes a great MG mystery.

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Our team

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Membership benefits

Jump into a quick overview of the benefits that SCBWI members can enjoy.

Becoming a translator

Translation: Some Frequently Asked Questions, by Avery Udagawa

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Keep in touch

To inquire about local events, awards, or opportunities, please email { france@scbwi.org }