Europolitan Conference

The SCBWI Conference for Writers and Illustrators based in Europe. Improve your craft, boost your creativity, and make new connections! –– Sign up below for newsletter updates so you don't miss any news!


When & Where

Join us on weekend after the Frankfurt Book fair at the Youth Hostel Cologne-Deutz (Jugendherberge Köln-Deutz). The main conference days will be on October 25-27, 2024 but there will be optional activities on Friday, October 25, too.


What to expect?

We'll have 10+ industry professionals presenting on three different parallel tracks (mix and match as you wish!): 1) Illustrations and Picture books, 2) Middle-grade and Young adult, and, 3) Business Insights. Sessions will include presentations, workshops, and panels. Additionally, you may book an optional feedback slot with faculty members. Limited slots available - so be quick once registration opens!


Can't come? Check out the Online Pre-Conference!

Don't be sad if you can't join us at the in-person event in Cologne - we got you covered! We're planning to offer additional online sessions in the weeks leading up to the Europolitan. Expect webinars, live-feedback, and a limited number of faculty feedback (incl. 10min Zoom-1on1s). Ticketholder for the Cologne-event will get free access to one session! + discount on multiple session bookings!

Stay informed and grab your free *GET READY* conf prep document!

Members sign up here to receive the latest news and information about the 2024 Europolitan Conference. After sign-up, you will receive a link to the free document download.

If you aren't a member, consider signing up for a trial membership and then enter your email above to subscribe. OR click here and subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of the SCBWI Germany/Austria homepage!