
2023 #ReadALOUDIllinois Day

Virtually Visit Illinois Schools

October 13, 2023

Virtually Visit Illinois Schools

BY SEPT 15: Click HERE to sign up for #ReadALOUDIllinois Day with PAL book and hours you are available to present.

—Attend How to #ReadALOUDIllinois webinar September 6

—Announce on socials that you’re participating.

—Reach out to schools to set up a FREE virtual visit.

How to #ReadALOUDIllinois Webinar 9/6

—Not sure how to sign up for the online event October 13?

—Not sure how to promote yourself and others to get virtual school visits?

—Unsure how to curate a reading if you're a novelist?

Join Reese Eschmann and Jen Wagh for the inside scoop on how to #ReadALOUDIllinois during this free, recorded, webinar for PALs.

Questions about the free, recorded webinar? Email Jen Wagh

Click here to watch the recording of the How to #ReadALOUDIllinois Webinar.