
Welcome to the Illinois Region

New to SCBWI-IL? Start here!

We are happy to have you here! SCBWI is a global community of writers, illustrators, publishers, librarians, and industry professionals dedicated to promoting a more inclusive world through children's literature. Our mission is to create quality children's books for all young readers. We believe in the power of storytelling and work to break down barriers in the industry. Our values include nurturing creativity, fostering meaningful connections, and upholding professionalism with integrity and accountability.

Our SCBWI Page is set up by:

Regional Good News:

Our latest chapter news that is also sent via Newsletter.

Free Networks:

All of our regional networks offer free drop-in programs. Open to both members and non-yet members! Anyone can attend any Network, anywhere at any time! Our networks focus on craft and industry programming and are our first point of outreach with the wider creative community.

Prairie Wind:

The Prairie Wind is our Bulletin of the Illinois Chapter of SCBWI. We publish issues three times a year with more good news and insights into the industry of children’s book publishing.

Illinois Regional Events:

Serious about improving your craft? SCBWI's regional events provide opportunities for professional growth and help you connect with a supportive, creative community.

Recordings By Request:

Watch past events through our 'Recordings By Request' page.

Regional Virtual Events:

Want to know events happening in other regions? Head over to 'Regional Virtual Events' to see what events are happening on-line that may interest you.

Our Volunteers:

The Illinois network is run by a group of wonderful volunteers. You can find out more about who we are and what we do here!


Please log in each time you access the SCBWI site as some features and resources are for members-only. Be sure to create a member profile and keep it current for promotional opportunities. To get regional news, add your region affiliation by logging in, once logged in, you will be at your member page, click on ‘my profile’, head to ‘edit my profile’, scroll down to ‘Manage your SCBWI regions’. You will get a drop down and you can subscribe to ‘Illinois’ and whatever region you would like to receive new from.Important Contacts:


Important Contacts:

For questions about our SCBWI Chapter or events, contact our regional advisors:


Jennifer Wagh

Deborah Topolski


For questions about network programming, contact our Assistant Regional Advisor:

Cathy Velasco

For questions about our illustrator events, contact our illustrator coordinator:

Denise Holmes


Connecting Online:


You can follow and connect with our chapter on social media:




SCBWI-IL Illustration Members Facebook Group

Downstate Illinois SCBWI Illustrators Facebook Group

Join the Google Group (All Member Listserve) Email Allan Woodrow to be added