MD/DE/WV Region

Upcoming Events


The Virtual Coffee House Reopens!

Wake up your craft with our final Summer Springboard 2024 online event! Hop on zoom to meet fellow kidlit creators and get a little accountability and cheerleading for your butt-in-chair time. This event is FREE for SCBWI Premium members, but registration is required.


Registration closes July 10, 2024

In this Summer Springboard for Writers workshop, you’ll discover how to bring out your main character’s hidden motivations and tips on how they should be unraveled throughout your story. We’ll discuss outside influences that can shape your plot and characters and how to draw from the environment. Then we’ll talk about adding secondary characters and how you can draw from their differences to create friction through both dialogue and nonverbal behavior. Learn how to listen to the signals already provided by your characters and plot line to help make your story jump off the page.


Registration closes NOON, Friday, June 28, 2024

Illustrators: are you feeling stuck with designing characters for picture books? Have you gotten feedback that your characters are stiff or not drawn consistently? This Summer Springboard for Illustrators is a 2-part class designed to help you take your character designs from bland and stiff to charming and energetic. You’ll learn how to use the personality of your character to guide its design and give it energy, how to use shapes to explore character design and five tips on how to draw characters consistently.

About Us

We are a three-state region with a diverse membership of published and pre-published kidlit creators. We host in-person and online events throughout the year, including retreats, workshops, member meetups, sketch crawls, field trips, and webinars. Scroll through our Upcoming Events carousel, or click on the links below to learn more about other opportunities to help you grow and connect.

This site is a work in progress, so not all links are enabled. Please be patient with our volunteer team, and check back again for updates!


Meet Our Team


For PAL Members


Event Calendar


6-month Mentorship Program

Delaware Network

Artwork by: Megan Paustian

For opportunities and events for kidlit creators in the greater Delaware area

Sign up for communications from Delaware Liaison Jennie Moore. You must be a Premium (paying) member and logged in to SCBWI Premium members from surrounding areas are also welcome to join. Your email address will never be used for any other purpose than SCBWI communications, and will never be shared without your permission.


Email us at