
Highlighter Journal

Highlighter is a quarterly journal published by the SCBWI Mid-Atlantic Region (DC & Virginia). It aspires to serve as a resource that is supportive, useful, inspiring, and connecting.

The Highlighter journal team:

  • Denise Taranov, Editor
  • Korena Di Roma Howley, Copyeditor

Submissions: Are you a Mid-Atlantic member interested in contributing an article, illustration, or other content to Highlighter? Please send your ideas and/or portfolio link to Denise Taranov at MidAtlanticHighlighter@gmail.com. Contributors retain the copyright to their work and material can only be reused with their permission.

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Summer Highlighter Journal

Remember summer reading as a kid? The Summer 2024 Highlighter issue on "The Reading Experience" reminds us of how children interact with books. Teachers and librarians have shared their perspectives on how to make books more engaging for kids and best suited for story time. Like the Highlighter journal? Consider contributing! If you're a Mid-Atlantic member interested in developing an article, submitting illustrations, or providing writing or research support, let us know at MidAtlanticHighlighter@gmail.com.

Past Journal Issues

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Spring 2024

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Winter 2024


Fall 2023

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Summer 2023


Spring 2023


Winter 2023


Fall 2022


Summer 2022


Spring 2022

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Winter 2022