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How to Format Your Manuscript:

SCBWI Nevada hosts several events throughout the year that offer manuscript critiques as part of attendance or for an additional fee. We also have a mentorship program that involves manuscript review, critique groups where others will be looking at your work, and it's always a good idea to know the industry standards for manuscript formats if you decide to submit your work to an agent or publisher!

Please keep in mind that it does take time to organize manuscripts to be submitted to agents/editors for our events. To increase your chances of the best possible manuscript review, follow the directions below.


  1. Check the event page for specific due date(s).Time to submit may vary, but is in Pacific Time on the due date.
  2. Always use Times New Roman font in 12 points.
  3. Double space the body of your manuscript.
  4. Make sure you have your contact info at the top of your document.
  5. Number your pages at the bottom right in this format: Page x of y

Please send Word documents unless you are an illustrator and including graphics. Most agents prefer Word since it is easier for them to add comments. If you send a PDF, then make sure to reduce the file size.

Manuscripts for professional critiques follow a strict structure. The format outlined below is what is expected in the industry. Please follow it for your manuscripts so that your manuscripts look professional. This is for novels and picture book text. For illustrators, what is expected is a picture book dummy as a PDF (2 MB) or link to a portfolio of work online.