Picture Books

The SCBWI NV Picture Book Meetings are held each month on the 2nd Saturday at 9am and every 4th Wednesday at 7pm on Zoom.

This is a NV member-only event and you must be registered to attend. Once registered, an email with the unique link and password for the meeting will be emailed to you the day before the meeting.

We also have a dedicated Facebook group for Picture Book writers in Nevada: https://www.facebook.com/groups/picturebooking You can ask questions and register for upcoming meetings on our Facebook group page.



The group uses Google Drive to share manuscripts for the meeting. If you are sharing your manuscript, please use the link below to upload your document. Each meeting has a folder organized by date. Please have your manuscripts uploaded by the Wednesday before the Saturday meeting. This gives your critique partners a chance to review the work in advance.


Leaving Comments:

When you are critiquing someone else's work and you want to leave comments, download a copy, make your comments on the document, then email it to the author directly. This way the shared folder will remain uncluttered and it will be easy to see who has submitted each week.

If you have any questions or need access to the Google Drive, please contact the moderator, Bonnie Kelso at nevada-ic@scbwi.org.