The Enchantment Show has wrapped at the Santa Fe Public Library. We hope to have it on its journey to the next destination soon. The show has been lovely and we were encouraged to meet new members and see old friends at our recent Enchantment Show Celebration. Thank you to all who came to visit.
In the words of our Santa Fe library contact, Jessica Gulliford, "This has been one of the most well received exhibits I have seen in my years at the library. Both community and library staff have enjoyed it so much!”
Three participants have been chosen by Pat Cummings to receive critiques from agent Emily Mitchell and editor Melissa Manlove. Pat chose these three participants who she felt they would benefit most from a professional critique.
Pat included a few words about her selections. Our award recipients include:
To agent Emily Mitchell:
Diane Mittler
The descriptive text really conveys the challenges faced as well as the aspirations felt by the narrator. There’s a rhythm built into the text that truly enhances the theme of a journey, beginning anew.
To agent Emily Mitchell:
Nina Wright
The distinctive style, lovely palette and strong narrative make this memorable. The body language and expressions are subtle but reinforce the narrative well. There’s a strong sense of place and time as well…although I don’t know where or when this might take place. But it works.
To editor Melissa Manlove:
Maya E Shakur
This does an excellent job of world building. It’s imaginative and compelling, showing a world that might easily engage a young reader. The palette is fresh and the fantasy world seems like one a child would want to enter.
Thank you to all who participated.