RMC Team Members

The all-volunteer RMC Leadership team is honored to be supporting this incredible region. We are a highly collaborative team, and value working together. Our region has about 650 members, and an event nearly every week. Co-Regional Advisor Stan Yan takes the lead on the budget and finance side of the chapter, while Co-RA Susan Wroble leads on the People and Programs side. Hillary Hickman's role is officially Illustrator Coordinator, but with her background in web design and communications, she has also been instrumental in both the conference site and in communications to members. Assistant Regional Advisor Amy Ellerman has been focusing on clarifying the roles and benefits of our volunteers, as well as taking point on website administration. Our newest ARA, Aaron Hickman, coordinates the conferences and is learning the budget and finance operations.

Meet the Team Members

Stan Yan
Co-Regional Advisor
Amy Ellerman
Co-Regional Advisor
Aaron Hickman
Co-Assistant Regional Advisor
Leigh Gaddy
Co-Assistant Regional Advisor
Hilary Faith Hickman
Illustrator Coordinator