
Critique Connection

Whether you are a writer, an illustrator, or both, finding a good critique group can be instrumental to your development as an artist. The SCBWI San Francisco/South region offers a self-serve system for connecting you with other members in our region (from the city and county of San Francisco down to Monterey, including San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties.)

Use the link at the top of the page to access our database of other writers and illustrators seeking critique partners. You need to be logged in to your SCBWI account as a premium member to see that page. Add your information and/or contact people already listed. It is your responsibility to keep your information current. Once you find a group, or if you decide you are no longer in the market for a group, please remove your entry from the database.

Occasionally an existing group will lose a member and look for replacements, but most people have to grow their own group. Where to meet and how often, how to share your work, and what are the rules for critiquing are questions you and your new critique partners will need to decide. For information on successful critiquing, here’s a link to Newberry Winning Author Linda Sue Park on “The Give and Take of Critique.” And here’s a PDF with some more guidance on critique groups:

Peer Critique at the Golden Gate Conference

Another great way to receive feedback on your work is to sign up for the Peer Critique session at our biannual Golden Gate Conference. More information on this session will be available when you register for the conference.

Connect at our Spring Social Event

Our yearly Spring Social Event has “Speed Meeting” opportunities for you to meet others in our region who are also seeking critique groups.

Local Critique Connection Opportunities

Subscribe to our newsletter for information on upcoming local critique events.

If you have additional questions, please contact our Critique Connection Coordinator, Lynne Ann Biscay at critconnectSFSouth@gmail.com.