Here is the text to go with the book cover
Text goes here
Text goes here
Text goes here
This is the text to go with the book cover
Text goes here
Accompanying text
I'm checking to see if I can cut and paste:
If you register for a written critique, please follow these instructions:
Your manuscript must be up to 10 pages saved as a Word document, double-spaced, Times New Roman, with one-inch margins.
On the first page, indicate the name of your book as well as the genre.
You must have a header with your name and page numbers.
You may include a synopsis, single-spaced, one-page, one-inch margins and saved as page 11 of your submission.
Save your document as: Agent/Editor’sLastName_YourLastName_FirstName_BookTitle_Genre (PB, MG, YA, GN)
If you registered for a critique, submit by uploading your Word document using this form by August 24, 2023, 10:00 PM.