Read Local FAQ

Read Local Frequently Asked Questions


How would the Read Local Challenge work best for me to run it as the School Library Media Specialist and not a classroom teacher? Should I just use it with one grade level (6 classes) or with several or all grade levels. We have 36 classes K-5th.



Here are several suggestions, but as you can see, there's no wrong way. Just whatever suits your school situation best. For example...

· You could pin up a poster representing the progress of each grade level and have an inner school competition by grade. Which grade can read more books on the list? And then enter all your reading results (by grade if you like) for lots of chances to win a grand prize.

· You could collaborate-with/challenge each reading class in your school to participate. Which class can read the most books from the list? 

· Or you could focus on one grade (or a couple of grades) that you think would particularly have fun with it. There are also some cool bonus challenges kids can do to stretch the learning experience like writing a book review, redesigning a cover, or making a presentation about one of the listed authors.

· You could even give the challenge to select individual students that would run with it on their own.



Where can I order these books?


All these books are available via Follett and the independent bookstore Little Shop of Stories.

Here’s a link to Little Shop of Stories:

They are also available on Amazon, and often other bookstore websites.


But I don’t have any budget to buy these books . . . ?


No worries, many public libraries have these books. Feel free to check them out there to read with your students. Or perhaps your school’s parent group might want to help out with a few books. Or ask your fellow educators—some of these books may be in their classrooms already. 


Where can I find a list of the books and their ISBN numbers?