Portfolio Reviews

Attendees may add one individual meeting with a faculty member—subject to availability.

Time allotment for individual meetings has been increased to 20 minutes.

Deadline to Register: July 25, 2024

Submission Guidelines

  • One portfolio, 10 images
  • Maximum Size: 18” x 24” closed
  • Copies or prints only, no original art.
  • Name: your name and contact information must be on your portfolio.
  • WiFi is available for virtual portfolios. To avoid the possibility of technical difficulties, consider downloading your portfolio if you wish to show it on a digital device.

Pro Tips

  • Make sure your portfolio is simple and professional.
  • Print your images at a high resolution on good paper and not smaller than 4”.
  • Make sure every piece is pertinent to children’s books, kid lit, or children’s magazines.
  • Include images of sequential work (2-3 pages/illustrations from the same project featuring the same characters).
  • Include samples of diverse children, animals, and indoor/outdoor scenes.
  • Place your best image at the beginning of your portfolio and your second-best image at the end.
  • Have professional postcards with your contact information to accompany your portfolio.


After Critique Registration closes (July 25th), you will receive a link via email to schedule your session. Critiques/Reviews will be held Friday, Sept 20th, 1:30 pm – 5:10 pm. Check in at the Critique/Review desk 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. Zoom Critiques/Reviews will be held the week of Sept 9th.

  • Sessions are booked back to back–if you are late, your session will still end on time.
  • Missed appointments cannot be rescheduled.
  • Because we have guaranteed your payment to our faculty, missed appointments cannot be refunded.
  • The industry professionals on faculty provide submission opportunities to all attendees as part of this conference. Do not ask a faculty member to take your full manuscript or to look at it during the conference.
  • Another attendee has paid for the appointment right after yours. Please be considerate of this and exit the meeting when time is called.


Please contact Carolinas IC, Ashley Belote with any questions.

Feeling jittery? That’s totally normal. Check out Linda Sue Park’s advice on receiving feedback.

Portfolio Review Faculty

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Erin McGuire


Kirk Benshoff


Tracy Shaw

ZOOM Portfolio Review Faculty


Christie Megill

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Hosted by SCBWI Carolinas