Learn techniques and tips to create funny children’s books, from picture books through young adult novels. Discover which types of humor work best for various age groups. Tap into your inner child with lively examples, fun exercises and practical advice that will inspire you to write side-splitting humor for the younger set.
Host Region: Eastern Pennsylvania
Contact: Kristen Strocchia epa-ara@scbwi.org
For all submissions, format your work in 12 point font, with one-inch margins, and double spacing. (US Letter paper size-Include all materials in the same document; please don’t send two documents.)
For PB, send one full picture book manuscript OR dummy plus a 2-3 sentence pitch in the same document.
For MG, send up to 10 pages of your manuscript, plus a one-page, single-spaced synopsis.
⇒Please include your name on every page of your work as a header or a footer, as well as identifying information on page one: first & last name, email address, title, genre.
⇒Please SAVE YOUR FILE as Webinar Faculty Last Name_Your Last Name_TITLE OF MANUSCRIPT as a PDF or DOC or DOCx.
Example: Gephart_Strocchia_PURPLE CARROTS
⇒Then send your file to Kristen at epa-ara@scbwi.org. The subject should read: Webinar Faculty Last Name_Your Last Name_TITLE OF MANUSCRIPT (same as saved file name).
Submission deadline: Friday, July 26, 2024.
We anticipate critiques to be returned on or about Tuesday, August 27, 2024.