Midsouth PAL Speakers

SCBWI Midsouth is happy to provide the following list of published authors and illustrators from Tennessee and Kentucky who maintain a website and have expressed interest in receiving invitations. The list is restricted to those authors and illustrators whose work has appeared in at least one children's book, magazine, movie, or play in return for compensation. Many of these individuals have produced award-winners and bestsellers. To discuss a potential appearance, visit the person’s website and use the contact information supplied there.

Midsouth PAL Speakers

Jennifer Lynn Alvarez: jenniferlynnalvarez.com

Tracy Barrett: tracybarrett.com

Lucy Branam: lucybranam.com

Caroline Brooks DuBois: carolinebrooksdubois.com

Kimberly Dana: kimberlydana.com

Susan Eaddy: susaneaddy.com

Rachel Elliott: rachelelliott.me

Tama Fortner: tamafortner.com

Leah Freeman-Haskin: leahfreemanhaskin.com

M Hendrix: mhendrixwrites.com

Rita Lorraine Hubbard: ritahubbard.com

Kathyn J. Kirkwood: kathlynjkirkwood.com

Alisha Klapheke: alishaklapheke.com

Janet K Lee: j-k-lee.com

Donna L Martin: storycatcherpublishing.com

Danielle Y. C. McClean: daniellemcclean.com

Heather L. Montgomery: HeatherLMontgomery.com

Kristin O'Donnell Tubb: kristintubb.com

Elizabeth Raum: elizabethraumbooks.com

Erica Ivy Rodgers: ericaivyrodgers.com

Adam Rosenbaum: adamrosenbaumwrites.com

Lynn Slaughter: lynnslaughter.com

Lisa Spencer: lisaspencer.com

Shannon Stocker: shannonstocker.com

Rachel Tawil Kenyon: happywithabook.com

Alana White: alanawhite.com

Dorena Williamson: dorenawilliamson.com

Dawn Renee Young: mrsgoodchoice.com

Jessica Young: jessicayoungbooks.com

If you are a Midsouth PAL member who does presentations and would like to be included on this list, please fill out and submit this form.