Registration Application

When registration is open and available, submission information will be linked here.


Please carefully read the application details including submission information below.

You will submit 4 files.

1. Your full manuscript prepared as a full submission. It must included your contact info just as if you're submitting to an agent or editor. If you don't know, you're probably not ready to submit to this program. Please name the Word document with your full name followed by target reader, genre, title of your novel/PB, and the number of total pages in your completed manuscript. Use Part 1 in the name of the document. YOUR CONTACT INFO includes both email and phone number. DO NOT FORGET TO NUMBER YOUR PAGES IN YOUR MANUSCRIPT.

2. One document in WORD format that has the application information plus 20 pages of your manuscript plus a 1 page synopsis of the story. Please include your contact info just as if you're submitting to an agent.

3. One document in WORD of the first 20 pages of your story/PB that is ONLY TITLED by the name of your manuscript, genre, and number of total pages in your completed manuscript, and no other identifying information.

4. Application questionnaire completed.

Example for file 1

Mun-Cynthia-MG-fantasy-MYGREATNOVEL-xxxxpages – Part1.doc

(This document is my completed manuscript)

Example for file 2

Mun-Cynthia-MG-fantasy-MYGREATNOVEL-xxxxpages- Part 2.doc

(This document is only 20 pages of the manuscript with your contact info and up to 1 page of your story synopsis)

Example for file 3

MYGREATNOVEL- MG- fantasy-xxxxpages – Part 3.doc

(This is just 20 pages of your novel or full picture book document WITHOUT your contact info)

Example for file 4

Mun-Cynnthia- MG-fantasy – MYGREATNOVEL – xxx pages – APPLICATION – Part 4. doc

This is one document that answers the questions below – the five questions.


CONTENTS OF THE APPLICATION - File 4/Part 4 information that needs to be included.

*Why do you want to enroll in the NV Mentorship Program?

*How many years have you been an SCBWI Member?

*What is your home SCBWI region?

*In the past 5 years which SCBWI events have you attended. You can take a snapshot of your event history in the SCBWI account.

*Please indicate the order of mentors you would prefer. If no preference, please indicate that.

FORMATTING your manuscript: Please make sure your file is a in Word format and you follow the formatting guidelines on our website.

EMAIL SUBMISSION: email all documents in one email with SUBJECT line "2023 NV Mentorship Program" and send it to

These instructions are specific BECAUSE it helps us organize and find your information quickly. SCBWI NV administrators are all volunteers so please help us save time. If this program takes more time than we have to offer then we won't be able to offer it in the future.

Questions about the program can be sent to This email is not checked daily. You might be able to find your answers by asking folks on the SCBWI NV Facebook page. I have asked past mentees if they would be able to answer questions through Facebook. There is also a list of past mentees on the website, if you'd like to speak to them as well.

Due Date Schedule:

Dec 1 - Jan 31 - Open application process.

Mar 1 - Mentee selection announcement

April 1 - Individual program begins for 6 months.

September - Virginia City Finale