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Level Up!

A monthly webinar series focusing on craft. Designed to help our members improve their writing, illustration, and all their creative endeavors. The cost is only $10 for premium members. Every webinar will be recorded and available to view for one month. 👉 IF YOU HAVE REGISTRATION ISSUES CONTACT LAURA AT 📌 Registration will close 3 days before the event.

Monthly Webinars

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Writing Irresistible Query Letters with Mary Kole

The query letter is crucial to your submission journey, but they give writers an endless headache. How to boil down all of your hard, creative work into 250 to 450 words? Let a former literary agent guide you through what an irresistible cover letter is—and isn’t—and how to pull yours off with style and flair. This workshop involves a presentation covering query basics and best practices, including submission strategies. ⚡ Mary offers an opportunity for you to submit your query letter to be edited live during the workshop. Please use the dropbox link (found in the email you use for SCBWI) to send your query, including your name, email, genre and/or target audience in a Word document. Be aware that only a few of the queries selected for the workshop will be edited. Deadline May 12th. ⭐ Former literary agent Mary Kole founded Mary Kole Editorial in 2013 and provides consulting and developmental editing services to writers of all categories and genres. She founded Good Story Company in 2019 with the aim of creating valuable content—like the Good Story Podcast, YouTube channel, and Good Story Learning classes and resources—for writers of all categories and ability levels. She also develops unique and commercial intellectual property for middle grade, young adult, and adult readers with Upswell Media and Bittersweet Books (website forthcoming).​​ Mary has appeared at regional, national, and international SCBWI conferences, as well as dozens of independent conferences. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing and has worked at Chronicle Books, the Andrea Brown Literary Agency, and Movable Type Management. She is the author of WRITING IRRESISTIBLE KIDLIT, SUCCESSFUL QUERY LETTERS, WRITING IRRESISTIBLE PICTURE BOOKS, and HOW TO WRITE A BOOK NOW. ⭐ Registration closes May 11th. (This webinar will be recorded and available to view for one month for registered attendees.)