Past SF North and East Bay Regional Events

Here are just some of the inspiring events the SF North and East Bay region has organized!




Participants spent a morning in the park for this Critque-PAL-ooza! Everyone recieved a critique from one of our award-winning PAL members plus feedback from an intimate group of matched-genre participants.

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Bishop's Ranch Creative Retreat

No speakers, no programs, just time to write, draw and create surrounded by the beautiful valleys and vineyards of Healdsburg, plus an informal critique group on Saturday night.

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Work-For-Hire: Editor Panel

Informative editor panel that focused on the various aspects of writing for the Work-for-Hire market. Whether you're a seasoned writer looking to expand your portfolio or a newcomer interested in exploring freelance opportunities, this session was designed to provide you with valuable insights and practical advice from editors Jenna Gleisner, Erinn Pascal and Alice Hobbs.

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Work-for-Hire: From Pitches to Paychecks

Learned where to find publishers and work-for-hire assignments, how to perfect queries, research strategies and tips, and reviewed the business side of things—contracts, fees, and building a resume/portfolio.


Visual Storytelling Unfolded: Crafting Graphic Novels with Kayden Phoenix

Participants immersed themselves in the world of graphic novels with Kayden Phoenix, a renowned graphic novelist known for her unique blend of captivating storytelling and artistic brilliance.


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NaNoWriMo Write-In

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Writing Your Culture

A free, in-person event brought to you by the Tapestry of Voices team! Open to members and non-members.

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We were back in-person for the Oktoberfest Conference! We immersed ourselves in a vibrant atmosphere of creativity and learning, with a lineup featuring renowned authors, illustrators, and publishing professionals who inspired and guided us on our artistic journies. Engaged in riveting talks and panels, fine-tuned manuscripts and portfolios through insightful critiques, and unleashed our pitch prowess in the Agent Pitch Speed Dating.

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Child Development for Kidlit Writers with Gennie Gorback

Presentation by early childhood educator Gennie Gorback focusing on the aspects of child development most important to kidlit writers. Gennie discussed typical developmental milestones for children ages 0-12, the development of language and humor, and how to use/cite the Common Core State Standards in your manuscript's back matter.

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Green Gulch Creative Weekend

Sep 6-8. No speakers, no programs, just time to write or draw surrounded by the beautiful scenery of West Marin, plus informal evening readings and critiques.

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Take Two: Revising Setting & Character in a Novel-Length Manuscript with Elana K. Arnold

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The Nitty Gritty of a Dummy Book! with Rob Sayegh Jr.

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Is Self-Publishing Right for You? with Alisha Klapheke

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Comic Book Workshop with Oliver Chin


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Write, Draw, and Socialize -- Presented by SCBWI Sonoma

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Twitter Pitch Your Way to Success with Nadia Salomon

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Trad Author Social with Jennifer Lynn Alvarez

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Marin County Critique Cafe -- First Pages

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Indie Author Social with Jennifer Lynn Alvarez

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Research, Design, & Illustration for Non-Fiction with Cornelia Li