Manuscript Critiques

Attendees may add one individual meeting with a faculty member—subject to availability.

Time allotment for individual meetings has been increased to 20 minutes.

Deadline to Register and Submit: July 25, 2024

Formatting Your Manuscript

A professionally formatted submission shows that you understand the business of writing and publishing for children.

  • Format - Double spaced (novels in verse may use 1-inch spacing), 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman Font
  • Contact information - On the first page in the upper left corner, please include your Name (MUST match the name on your registration), Email, and Category (PB, CB, MG, GN, YA, NF)
  • Page numbers - Place numbers in the upper right corner, beginning on the second page: PAGE #, Last Name/TITLE
  • Title - All caps, centered at mid-page. Manuscript begins below the title.

File Format

  • Only submit one document including your synopsis (if applicable).
  • Word.docx files only
  • Label your file with your last name, title, and faculty's last name: E.g. LastName_Title_Faculty.docx

Submission Guidelines

Picture Books and Poetry

  • Submit only the first 800 words of one manuscript—Illustration notes ARE included in your word count.
  • Text only—Register for a PB Dummy Review if you are submitting art and text as an author/illustrator.
  • Picture books do not require a synopsis.

Chapter Books, Middle Grade Novels, Graphic Novel Manuscripts, and Young Adult Novels

  • Submit only the first 10 pages of one manuscript, even if it cuts off in the middle of a chapter.
  • You do not need to include the word count.
  • Include a synopsis—single spaced, no longer than one page.
  • For more information on writing a synopsis, we suggest Jane Friedman’s Blog.

Submission Window

Thursday, July 18, 2024 – Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET. 

Submission Requirements

  • Submit to:
  • Subject Line: Last Name_Title_Faculty
  • Attach your Word.docx document as a separate file to your email (do not paste your manuscript into your email!)
  • Include in your email: Name (MUST match the name on your registration), Faculty Name, Type of Meeting: MANUSCRIPT CRITIQUE


After Critique Registration closes (July 25th), you will receive a link via email to schedule your session. Critiques/Reviews will be held Friday, Sept 20th, 1:30 pm – 5:10 pm. Check in at the Critique/Review desk 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. Zoom Critiques/Reviews will be held the week of Sept 9th.

  • Sessions are booked back to back—if you are late, your session will still end on time.
  • Missed appointments cannot be rescheduled.
  • Because we have guaranteed your payment to our faculty, missed appointments cannot be refunded.
  • Editors and agents provide submission opportunities to all attendees as part of this conference. Do not ask an editor or agent to take your full manuscript or to look at it during the conference.
  • Another attendee has paid for the appointment right after yours. Be considerate of this and exit the meeting when time is called.


Contact our Critique Inbox if you have any questions.

Feeling jittery? That’s totally normal. Check out Linda Sue Park’s advice on receiving critique.

NOTE: Faculty are only asked to respond to the SCBWI Gold Form for critiques.

Manuscript Critique Faculty

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Alex Aceves


Alyssa Eisner Henkin


Dinah Johnson

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Erin McGuire

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Kelly Delaney

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Nico Ore-Giron

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Nora Shalaway Carpenter

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Sophia Ramos

ZOOM Critique Faculty


Alyssa Miele


Christie Megill


Kelly Dyksterhouse


Sean McCarthy

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Hosted by SCBWI Carolinas