RSVPs are recommended as meeting details are subject to change.
WHEN: Wednesday, June 5. 7:00PM – 8:30PM
WHERE: Meeting via Zoom. RSVP to Renee for the Zoom link and password.
ABOUT: Celebrate & Plan. We will share our success stories from submission to publication and discuss writing plans for the lazy days of Summer.
RSVP: Please click here to RSVP to Coordinator Renee Carter
WHEN: Saturday, June 15. 10:15AM – 12:00PM
WHERE: Meeting via Zoom. RSVP to Ronna for Zoom code.
ABOUT: We’ll be discussing Work for Hire for part of the session then get to questions we ran out of time for last month. Author Karol Silverstein will share her experience and we’ll hopefully hear from members too.
RSVP: Please click here to RSVP to Coordinator Ronna Mandel
WHEN: Monday, June 17. 7:00PM – 9:00PM
WHERE: Meeting via Zoom. RSVP to Carmel for instructions.
ABOUT: TBD Let’s enjoy a fun creative evening together & move forward in our common pursuit of making a contribution to the world of children’s illustration and literature!
RSVP: Please click here to RSVP to Coordinator Carmel O’Mara-Horwitz
WHEN: Wednesday, June 26. 3:00PM - 4:30PM
WHERE: Recovery Room. 18916 Soledad Cyn Rd, Canyon Country
ABOUT: Set up next year's events/topics
RSVP: Please click here to RSVP to Coordinator Veronica Stanley-Hooper