RSVPs are recommended as meeting details are subject to change.
WHEN: Wednesday, November 6. 7:00PM – 8:30PM
WHERE: Meeting via Zoom. RSVP to Renee for the Zoom link and password.
ABOUT: Social Media For Writers. What social media platform can help your budding career? How often should you use them? Come to this meeting to learn the answers.
RSVP: Please click here to RSVP to Coordinator Renee Carter
WHEN: Saturday, November 16. 10:15AM – 12:00PM
WHERE: Meeting via Zoom. RSVP to Ronna for instructions.
ABOUT: Join us for a query fine-tuning session. They will be chosen according to the order they are received by me via email when you RSVP. We will get to as many as time permits. Thoughtful input from our members will be welcome!
RSVP: Please click here to RSVP to Coordinator Ronna Mandel
WHEN: Monday, November 18. 7:00PM – 9:00PM
WHERE: Meeting via Zoom. RSVP to Carmel for instructions.
ABOUT: TBD Let’s enjoy a fun creative evening together & move forward in our common pursuit of making a contribution to the world of children’s illustration and literature!
RSVP: Please click here to RSVP to Coordinator Carmel O’Mara-Horwitz
WHEN: Wednesday, November 20. 3:00PM - 4:30PM
WHERE: Meeting via Google Meet. RSVP to Veronica for instructions.
ABOUT: We will be discussing a school visit that some in our group are doing together, doing first read critiques, and brainstorming budding ideas for new books.
RSVP: Please click here to RSVP to Coordinator Veronica Stanley-Hooper