SCBWI Texas: Brazos Valley

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Critiques, Feedback and Revisions- September Meeting

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Breaking Into Picture Books and Early Readers - October Meeting

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New Meeting time: Join us on your lunch break!

11am - 11:30am Gentle Critique 11:30am - 12:30pm Guest Presentation Our meetings are still the last Wednesday of the month at the Arts Coucil of Brazos Valley and are streamed via Zoom (replays provided).

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New 'round here? Need some help?

Need help navigating our new website? Learn more about setting up a free profile and activating your membership.


Event Calendar

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Meeting Replays



About Our Region

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Our Volunteer Team

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Sign up for our Regional Newsletter



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All Y'all 2024


Connect with your Kidlit Community!

Our monthly meeting (in person & Zoom) and monthly Book Report (Zoom) are great ways to learn from and connect with the creative community. Both recurring events are are free & open to non-members.


Hone your craft

SCBWI webinars offer top quality learning experiences as do our guest presentations. Our monthly meetings offer a safe space for you to practice your presentation skills.


Create! Submit! Publish! Sell!

No matter where you are on your kid lit journey, we are here to support you!

Keep in touch


Facebook group

Our private Facebook group for connecting with other members.


Facebook page

Follow the Brazos Valley Region’s Facebook page for news, insights, and fun inspiration shared by the region and by fellow members.



Follow us on Instagram for event updates and visual inspiration


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Membership benefits

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