SoCal Meet-ups and Critique Groups

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August 25 guest speaker: Nicole Chen, Author

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Nicole Chen

Nicole Chen’s experience growing up Taiwanese American, and the blend of Catalan, Spanish, Taiwanese and American influences in her present home, fuels her desire to write and tell stories that reflect a diverse and multicultural American identity. Nicole lives in sunny California with her Andorran husband and young daughter. Her debut picture book, HOW WE SAY I LOVE YOU, illustrated by Lenny Wen and published by Knopf BFYR (December 2022) was a Target Book Club pick and selected for Dolly Parton’s 2023 Imagination Library program. Her debut middle grade novel, IT’S BOBA TIME FOR PEARL LI!, from Quill Tree/Harper Collins (February 2023) is a Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection, and her third book, middle grade novel LILY XIAO SPEAKS OUT was released on May 7th, 2024.

Connect Broadly and Specifically: The Art of Writing Relatable BIPOC Characters and Stories

We hope to write stories that young readers of all types can connect with, but writing from a minority perspective requires a thoughtful balance of specificity to honor those who share our cultural and experiential differences and of broad appeal to draw in with those who don't, but we still want to reach. In this session, Taiwanese American author Nicole Chen shares how she strikes that balance and offers guidance for anyone wanting to write about topics or characters who are both a little special and charmingly relatable.

When: Sunday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM - No meeting in July due to SCBWI's Summer Conference

Where: Our meet-ups are virtual over zoom. The zoom link is provided in the bi-monthly email. If you'd like to be added to the email list, please contact Bev Plass at

SoCal welcomes you to join our monthly meet-ups to connect with other creative people and hone your craft. We mingle, have guest speakers, and celebrate writer successes. We generally meet on the fourth Sunday of the month from 1:00-2:00. Sometimes we change the dates due to holidays or other SCBWI events. We break into critique groups immediately following, using the same zoom link.

Critique Groups


SoCal Writer's Group

SoCal Writers typically meet every fourth Sunday of the month via zoom immediately following the meet-up. The same zoom link is used for both meetings.


Inland Empire Writers Group

Inland Empire Writers meet every third Saturday of the month via zoom for meet-up and critique groups.


Illustrators Group

Illustrators typically meet every second Saturday of the month in person and via zoom (hybrid).


Author-Illustrator Group

Author Illustrators meet every 3 months via zoom for picture book and graphic novel dummy critiques.


Bilingual Group

Bilingual Latinx Writers who write in Spanish and English typically meet every second Wednesday of the month via zoom or e-critique.

Writer Submission Guidelines:

Picture Book (PB)

Submission length - Send in one manuscript. 1,000 words or less.

Document type - Word document (NOT Pages or PDF.)


Document formatting - Size 12 font, Times New Roman. Double spaced. 1 inch margin on all sides.

Document header - Title/author last name (on the far left) and page numbers (on the far right)

Middle Grade (MG) / Young Adult (YA)

Submission length - Send in five pages (double spaced)

Document type - Word document (NOT Pages or PDF.)


Document formatting - Size 12 font, Times New Roman. Double spaced. 1 inch margin on all sides.

Document header - Title/author last name (on the far left) and page numbers (on the far right)

Note: If you are submitting a chapter that is later in the novel (not chapter 1), it is helpful to provide a “here’s what has happened so far” summary. It is also helpful to the critiquer if you include a complete synopsis of the novel so they can judge the excerpt within the entire context of the novel. These are merely suggestions, not requirements, to help you maximize the quality of the feedback from your group. First-time submissions: It is highly recommended you attend a meeting once before participating in a critique group. That way, you will know the process we follow. It is important you know the process as this is a moment of vulnerability for members of the group. We want to guide and inspire, not crush our aspiring writers.

Future Meet-up Dates:

July - no meeting

September 29 - Speaker: Tia Mele (agent) Pitches and Synopsis

October 27 - Speaker: Carol Hughes (author): Comps, taglines, loglines, and jacket flaps

Topic: Query Letter Practice

November 24 - TBD

December - No Meeting